County Line - Telford (1849-1932)
West Rockhill, Franconia and Salford
This County Line Road bridge was located two miles west of Telford near West Rockhill.
When it was examined in 1919, county engineer Oscar Martin said the bridge spanned the North Branch of Perkiomen Creek on County Line Road, from Telford to Naceville in West Rockhill, Franconia, and Salford Townships.
The county records also show it was a fairly long bridge, with an interior length of nearly 168 feet, supported by a center pier, with one set of approach ramps longer than the bridge’s interior.
Montgomery County paid for a replacement concrete bridge in 1932. A local newspaper item lamented the bridge’s passing. “The covered bridge spanning Branch Creek at the County Line road is being torn down. Another old landmark giving way to progress. Take a good look at these structures for they will soon be a thing of the past,” said the Sellersville Herald.